Cesar Andrade

The Club and Academy of the Future: How SaaS and AI Make a Difference

A Talk by Cesar Andrade (Founder and CEO, Founder TennisAppSuite™)

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About this Talk

This experience brought to you by Cesar Andrade, senior software architect experience, spawning TennisAppSuite™ , a SaaS technology platform to enable tennis groups to act as cohesive, highly interconnected digital tennis communities. The app is provided free to all users, tennis services provider partners share a modest transaction fee for services enabled by the app. In the model of other services apps gaining viral adoption worldwide. TennisAppSuite™, is a game-changing multilingual digital assistant app for tennis players and tennis providers. Winner of the Wingfield Award as Best Tennis Business App at the Segal Institute 2021 Tennis Innovation World Conference, it serves all-in-one SaaS app modules to expand tennis player participation in existing and NEW tennis services locally and worldwide, plus, enables unprecedented monetization of tennis providers brand with own SPONSOR advertising for increased tennis business income.

The TennisAppSuite team incorporates software engineering, marketing, and finance professional partners working as a team spanning multiple locations in Ireland, USA, UK, Mexico, Colombia, and Panama.

Links to TennAppSuite Demos:

Introducing Tennis AppSuite

Tennis AppSuite Demo

November 19, 2022, 06:30 PM

06:30 PM - 06:55 PM

About The Speakers

Cesar Andrade

Cesar Andrade

Founder and CEO, Founder TennisAppSuite™