Fernando Segal
Synergize Sports - international sports innovation consultancy International Tennis Development Leader Speaker. Innovator. Consultant. Tennis Innovation Conference co-creator World Tennis Conference by GPTCA/SI Creator/Director The Tennis Talk Coaches Voices Podcast Series Creator (24 episodes in Tennis ONE) Multiple books Author
About this speaker
Fernando has been working with several international tennis organizations to create a systematic way to develop tennis in very professional and structured ways. He helped like National Tennis Director of Tennis National Federations and like consultant also rot many others.
He wrote 11Tennis books. Some focused in
Tennis Development for Coaches and Tennis Clubs/Academies, others about
Training and Methodology.
He is Founder of Segal Institute LAB
entity which is producing a great number of tennis projects to developed tennis
in different part of the world.
Also, Fernando is helping many tennis
organization, academies and companies in their strategical plan to improve
performance in their teams and tennis projects.
Fernando also is co-founder of Synergize
Sports a international consultant company focused in innovation on sport and
who is organizing TIC 2022